Forgive one another. We are all God’s children
Be kind to one another
Don’t kill one another
Brothers should not rise against brothers
Why is the world hurting so much?
We’ve all sinned against one another
But “if we don’t forget past transgressions, we won’t have anyone to play with” — African proverb
Forgive one another
Tolerate one another
Be patient with one another
We are mere mortals. Sinful by nature
We offend. We get offended
But we are all God’s children
Let he who is without sin be the first to cast a stone
The earth belongs to the Lord
Let the destruction cease
Kill no one. Kill no more
What is it?!
Down your arms. Put down your arms
Calm the storms. Stop the wars
Peace be still
Peace be still
Peace be still
Jumoke Eniola
Originally published at